Keio Academy of New York ALUMNI ASSOCIATION



About | Regulations | Account Reports


The master version of regulations is Japanese version. If Japanese and English texts differ, Japanese version has higher priority.

Chapter 1. General Rules

1. Name
This organization is named as Keio Academy of New York Alumni Association (KONYAA or Alumni Association).
2. Office
The secretariat of the association is located on Keio Academy of New York (Keio Academy), 3 College Road, Purchase, NY 10577 USA.
3. Objectives
KONYAA will help communications between Keio Academy alumni, and to contribute to the development of Keio Academy with its strong bond.
4. Members
KONYAA consists of regular members and extra members.
  1. Regular members are Keio Academy graduates.
  2. Extra members are current or former Keio Academy faculty and staff members, and others approved by the KONYAA executive committee.
5. Activities
KONYAA will conduct the following activities.
  1. Organize meetings
  2. Create and manage roster
  3. Issue news articles/letters
  4. Support Keio Academy activities
  5. Other activities that matches with 3. Objectives.

Chapter 2. Organization

Section 1. General Rules
6. Structures
The following positions will be assigned.
  1. Secretariat
  2. Auditor
  3. Chairman Emeritus
Section 2. Secretariat
7. Secretariat
The secretariat is the supreme voting body of KONYAA, and is a representative of all graduate grades. The secretariat consists of a chair, assistant chair(s) and secretariat members.
8. Chair and Assistant Chair(s)
The following positions will be assigned.
  1. The chair represents KONYAA and secretariat members.
  2. The chair is selected among secretariat members, with approval of more than half of the entire secretariat members. The term of office is two years, but the same chair may be re-elected for more than once.
  3. Assistant chairs are assigned by the chair. The assistant chairs support the chair, and represent KONYAA along with the chair. If the chair is not able to conduct his/her work, the assistant chairs will substitute the chair.
9. Treasurer
The secretariat members will select a treasurer.
10. Secretariat members
Each graduation grade must select at least one representative from the grade members. Each graduation grade may select up to three representatives.
  1. The secretariat members are listed on the secretariat member roster. A person who is not listed on the secretariat member roster is not considered as a secretariat member.
  2. The secretariat members attend secretariat meetings, representing their graduation grade.
  3. The term period of secretariat members is two years. The same member may be re-elected for more than once.
  4. The secretariat members may be changed with agreement among the graduation grade members. To change a secretariat member, either the current or the new secretariat member must report the change to KONYAA promptly.
11. Activities
  1. Secretariat members will conduct the following operations.
    1. Approve budget and account report
    2. Selection and dismissal of a chair, assistant chair(s), and a treasurer.
    3. Amendment of regulations
    4. Ratification of secretariat members
    5. Ratification of proposals
  2. A secretariat meeting is effective when attended secretariat members and power of attorney consist more than half of the entire voting rights.
  3. A proposal is approved when more than half of the entire voting rights approves it.
12. Voting Rights of Secretariat Members
The following positions will be assigned.
  1. The chair represents KONYAA and secretariat members.
  2. The chair is selected among secretariat members, with approval of more than half of the entire secretariat members. The term of office is two years, but the same chair may be re-elected for more than once.
  3. Assistant chairs are assigned by the chair. The assistant chairs support the chair, and represent KONYAA along with the chair. If the chair is not able to conduct his/her work, the assistant chairs will substitute the chair.
13. Power of Attorney
  1. If the number of attendees of a secretariat meeting is less than three, the absent members must submit a power of attorney. Submission of a power of attorney is considered as the secretariat member will agree on the resolutions made on the secretariat meeting.
  2. The power of attorney must include the following, and it must be submitted to KONYAA.
    1. Graduation grade
    2. Name of the representative
    3. Declaration stating that he/she is representing the graduation grade
    4. Declaration stating that he/she will agree with the resolutions made on the absent secretariat meeting.
  3. Secretariat members may ask for a substitute. The secretariat member must inform KONYAA that a substitute will attend a secretariat meeting.
  4. The power of attorney may be submitted electrically.
14. Delegation of Resolution
  1. If a proposal was not approved in a secretariat meeting, if agreed by secretariat members, the approval may be done in the following method.
  2. Present the proposal for a certain period. When nobody disagrees the proposal, the proposal is approved.
  3. These processes may be done electrically.
15. Secretariat Meetings and Extra Meetings
  1. The chair must conduct a secretariat meeting once a year.
  2. The chair may conduct extra secretariat meetings based on a request from the chair, or more than 1/6 of board members.
Section 3. Auditor
16. Auditor
The auditor audits the account report, and report the result on a secretariat meeting once a year. The auditor may not be a secretariat member concurrently.
Section 4. Chairman Emeritus
17. Chairman Emeritus
The chairman emeritus will be the Headmaster of Keio Academy.

Chapter 3. Budgets

18. Budgets
KONYAA will be operated based on membership fees, contributions, incomes from events and others.
19. Membership Fee
Membership fee is based on the decisions of secretariat members.

Supplemental Notes

1. Dates Effective
This regulation is effective since April 1, 2005.